The "golden quarter" of gaming is about to end, and I'm fully entrenched within Call of Duty MW3. But there's two other titles I've pre-ordered which are out today. Assassin's Creed Revelations, and Saints Row 3. Both of which I would not have pre-ordered if it wasn't for the gamestop promotion (as well as me getting a free copy of MW3, which I finally recieved - more on that in another blog).
Assassin's Creed Revelations, the final chapter for Ezio. There's supposed to be more tie-ins with Altair, the first game's main character, which in my opinion was a good game, but not great like the games with Ezio. What held back the first game was some of the reptitive nature of the game itself, but my biggest pet peave was the annoyance of having to slow down everytime I was near a guard. That slowed the pace down of the game so much, it became boring. The world was so big, that you need to be able to roam relatively freely. Ubisoft fixed this in the second game, which I enjoyed a lot. I hope one day they can remake the first game with some minor tweaks, like less guards on the roof, or sprinting around the game does not alert the endless waves of guards.
Saints Row is a series I've enjoyed since the day I bought my first Xbox360 20GB. Having enjoyed the GTA franchise on the PS2, it was the logical choice and was a deciding factor for me to get an Xbox. It offered all the fun of GTA, but in hi-def. It was loads of fun, and so I kept up with the series with the next game. Now I am looking forward to this next game, which is now set in a new city, and a lot more to do within the game. Plus one of the trailers really sold me on it.
Now all I need is more time in the day so I can get my MW3 fix in, and still play these games... and the pile of games I still have from before.
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